Sunday Worship

Is the Gospel Shaping You?

Date: March 28, 2021 ()

Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23 |


  The Big Idea…The gospel that saves us and sustains us also shapes us into a servant to all that we might win more for Jesus' sake. Outline How the Gospel Shapes Your Freedom (v.15-18) How the Gospel Shapes Your Slavery (v.19-23) How the Gospel Shapes Your Discipline (v.24-27)
By |2023-03-07T19:44:11-07:00May 2nd, 2021|Comments Off on Is the Gospel Shaping You?

A Christian View of Rights

Date: March 21, 2021 ()

Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 9:1-18 |


  The Big Idea…Renouncing Christian rights for the sake of the gospel is a far greater pleasure than exercising what is our due. Outline Paul’s Resume (v.1-3) Paul’s Rights (v.4-14) Paul’s Renunciation (v.15-18)
By |2023-03-07T19:44:11-07:00May 2nd, 2021|Comments Off on A Christian View of Rights

How Will You Use Your Christian Knowledge?

Date: March 14, 2021 ()

Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 |


  The Big Idea…Now that you are a Christian you have a whole new relationship with knowledge itself, therefore take care how you use it so that you don't cause your brother to sin. Outline The Knowledge That Puffs Up (v.1-3)T he Knowledge That Is Not Possessed By All (v.4-7) The Knowledge That Gives Preference
By |2023-03-07T19:44:11-07:00May 2nd, 2021|Comments Off on How Will You Use Your Christian Knowledge?