The Heart of Israel's Song by the Sea - Exodus 15:1-21 The Redeemed sing to the LORD for there is no one who can compare to Him in Heaven above…
The Crushing of the Dragon in the Midst of the Sea - Exodus 14:15-31
The LORD Will Fight for You - Exodus 14:1-14
All the Way My Savior Leads Me - Exodus 13:17-22
The Firstborn Offering - Exodus 13:1-16
Grace Not Race - Exodus 12:43-50 The sacraments show that salvation is always by God's grace and never because of our race or any other consideration.
Israel’s Exodus and the Plundering of Egypt - Exodus 12:33-42
The Tenth Plague: Death of the Firstborn - Exodus 12:29-32 Salvation for God's people means the conquering of all His and our enemies
The Passover Part 5: Catechize Your Children - Exodus 12:21-28 Catechism is a Duty to God Catechism is an Inescapable Concept Catechism is a Generational Feast
Passover Part 4: The Mortification of Sin - Exodus 12:14-20 Being saved by the Lamb of God means that now we must mortify our sin.